
The Armenian community of the San Francisco Bay Area is next to Armenia and Artsakh


The Armenian community of the San Francisco Bay Area showed special unity these days. Demonstrations, political, propaganda work, donations to the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. According to Roxana Makasjian, Member of the Board of the Armenian National Committee of the San Francisco Bay Area, as soon as the news of the war was received, a meeting was called to understand the priorities of aid to Armenia and Artsakh.

First of all, we spread the news that fundraising is underway, we need money so that our soldiers have everything they need. Every week we send a message to the community so that they keep sending money as much as they can and keep giving from their weekly and monthly income”,- said Roxana Makasjian in an interview with “Hayern Aysor” also noting that she considers the success in working with the local press to be remarkable.

According to her, the Armenian community of the San Francisco Bay Area will do everything possible to help in this struggle and protect Armenia and Artsakh.

Our community is, perhaps, the most far away community from Armenia and Artsakh but we feel very close. We want Armenia and Artsakh to know that we are on their side, we will protect them”,- she said.

Several small demonstrations in San Francisco were followed by a large-scale march. Vana Antonyan, Armenian Youth Federation AYF San Francisco “Rosdom” Chapter Member, who was one of the organizers of the demonstration noted that the famous "Golden Gate" bridge in San Francisco had been specially selected as the venue for the demonstration.

We expected 1000 people but that day 4-5 thousand people came out for the demonstration. We are doing our best to let foreign youth know what is happening in our country”,- Vana Antonyan said and added that another demonstration is planned to be held in the near future.