We value the privacy of our users' personal data very much. That is why we have developed the following policy to help users understand how we use their personal data. The following terms represent our privacy policy.
Privacy policy
The privacy policy is implemented for the usage and protection of personal data provided by users of the official website of "Hayern Aysor".
Personal data is collected when users fill out info tabs. This is necessary to understand their problems and provide the necessary services.
Personal information must be complete and will be kept for 7 days. During this time, it will be protected from unauthorized access, distribution, copying, use or modification.
Hayernaysor.am, like other interactive websites, uses cookies - small files that are stored on your computer's hard drive and allow us to track your movement on the site, giving us the ability to monitor the site, evaluate and improve it. Cookies are used on some pages of the site to make them work. Certain site partners may also use cookies.
Our responsibility for the security of personal data
To prevent unauthorized access, the integrity of information and its correct usage, appropriate physical, electronic and administrative measures are undertaken to ensure the security of personal data collected online.