From Vanadzor to Brazil. How Arthur Haroyan’s career as an actor began in Brazil
How he got to Brazil from Vanadzor, he did not understand himself. Since childhood, actor Arthur Haruyan has been convincing everyone that he will go and get acquainted with actor Arasi Balabanyan and other actors of Brazilian serials. His dream came true in 2008.
“And the Armenian drama began. My mother fainted, my grandmother got worse, scandals, etc., because no one expected that moment to come,” Arthur said.
Arthur did not receive an acting education in Armenia. He studied at the Department of Russian language and literature of the Vanadzor State University, received practical acting knowledge at the Drama Theater named after Hovhannes Abelyan. The first performance was “Autumn sun” by Hrant Matevosyan, in which he personified the image of Simon. In the courtyard he was known as Little Simon or Brazil’s Arthur.
“It was like I knew everyone in Brazil, but the reality was somewhat different from these fantasies. When I arrived, I had very little money, I came to Brazil as a tourist,” Arthur Haroyan said.
Arthur worked as a teacher of Armenian languages and literature in one of the Armenian schools in San Paulo. Then he realized his next dream- entered a theater school. He formed the cast named “Arka” (available) and presented to the audience his first performance “1915”.
“Brazil was very welcomed, not only the Armenian community, but also many Brazilians came to see the play, as this topic is unfamiliar to Brazilians.”
“Brazilian actresses of my cast were singing in Armenian Dle yaman. This probably says it all, it just thrilled every time during this scene,” said Arthur.
Arthur has also starred in many Brazilian films, commercials. The actor’s life, dreams, difficulties and successes have recently been summarized in his autobiographical book.
I will give all the income for this book to the All-Armenian Hayastan Foundation to give those families who are in a bad situation because of this last war,” Arthur said.
Before the epidemic, the actor received an offer to star in the film. However, the shooting was not carried out due to the restrictions in the country.
My image was that I had to be bald, I went, had my hair cut, a week later they did a lockdown all over Brazil, and I was sitting at home hairless.
This is Arthur’s new occupation. On one of the Brailian TV channels, he prepares Armenian dishes and talks about Armenian cuisine.
Of course I was cooking spas with tan, dolma, everything. I think it will be in the second or third season,” he said.
The actor considers it his permanent job to tell foreigners about Armenia. Brazilian friends are told where Armenia is, what its history is. He visits Armenia every year. Goes to the theater, meets his friend. They will also tour with the cast and perform with a new play. Arthur works with Brazilian and Argentinian directors and has a new goal: to make a film based on his autobiographical book.